"Happy people don't necessarily have everything. They just make the most out of everything they have."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Okay, I know that this is a weird complaint but here it is... I am so sick of smelling like calf milk. I feed the calves in the morning, wash and wash and wash my hands and the milk smell NEVER leaves. I shower, change my clothes, wash my hands again and again, and sure 'nuf, you guessed it still there. What is up with this. Does the powdered milk company want the calves to be able to smell me and "bond" to my milk smell permanently?!? I wash my hands very often. (I'm kind of germaphobic) and nothing works. Do the dishes...sniff-yup, still there. YUCK! YUCK! YUCK! Maybe it soaks into my fingernails and skin. Maybe it has a super glue component hidden somewhere in the powder. It does take a wire brush to get it off from the inside of the bottle sometimes. Maybe, I should just go out and let the calves try to suck off the smell out of my fingers. Wait a minute, I am actually thinking about having a gooey, slimey calf mouth surrounding my hands and fingers willingly? Yep, I've officially "lost it".

Monday, March 23, 2009

Chansy's 6 month pictures

This is her normal Chansy face. We love her cuteness!!!


Monday, March 16, 2009

Chansy's ball

Okay, Chansy is a very sober baby. She rarely laughs. She NEVER laughs if I break out the camera. Finally, I succeeded in capturing a laugh. YEAH! Of course, I had to place a goobery, slobbery ball in my mouth and spit it at her but, hey, what we wouldn't do for our kids, right? Must be love...

Hayes 8 years

Isn't he handsome? My baby is 8 years old. Where has the time gone? Hayes has recently discovered that he can make money when he goes with his dad. He thinks that he should be paid. I guess that it is good incentive. Earl now has a new right hand man since I am now a little "tied up". By the way, he wants to earn money to buy more books. How can we argue against that?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dally's Callepeter

Dally kept saying callepeter and it sounded a little off. It took me a while to figure out what was wrong with how she said it and then we laughed and laughed. I try to get her to say it whenever I can but she is starting to realized that something is off. We love her!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Do you like her light saber. At least it's purple.

Right before her tea party at Julia's.

What a girl! Denalli gave Dally this "princess dress" earlier this week. She has worn it EVERY DAY since then. She is "THE princess" and has even started to act a little dainty instead of the loud and crazy that she is normally. It has been so fun to watch her try to act like she thinks a princess should. She even answers to "your majesty" and "your highness". She still has to go outside and run but hasn't learn to ride her horse side saddle yet. I don't blame her. I'd fall off in a second.